한글 Hangul, also known as Hangeul, is the Korean alphabet. It was created in 1443 by King Sejong the Great, the fourth king of the Joseon dynasty. Hangul is a phonetic alphabet, which means that each letter represents a sound. This makes it a very easy alphabet to learn, especially compared to other Asian writing systems like Chinese.
Hangul is made up of 24 letters, 14 consonants and 10 vowels. Each character represents a specific sound, and the shapes of the characters were designed to reflect the articulatory features of the sounds they represent.
Here, I have compiled some words to practice reading the Korean alphabet.
가 : ㄱ (g) + ㅏ(a) = 가 (ga)
가구 | furniture |
가지 | egg plant |
가수 | singer |
가면 | mask |
가치 | worth |
나: ㄴ (n) + ㅏ(a) = 나 (na)
나라 | country, nation |
나비 | butterfly |
나무 | tree |
나머지 | remainder |
나누기 | division |
다 : ㄷ(d) + ㅏ(a) = 다 (da)
다리 | bridge |
다수 | many, majority |
다리미 | Iron |
다람쥐 | squirrel |
다이아몬드 | diamond |
라: ㄹ(r/l) + ㅏ(a) = 라(ra)
라디오 | Radio |
라면 | instant noondle |
라벤더 | lavender |
라이터 | lighter |
라켓 | racket |
마: ㅁ (m) + ㅏ(a) = 마 (ma)
마음 | heart, mind |
마술 | magic |
마늘 | garlic |
마을 | town, suburb |
마침내 | finally |
바 : ㅂ (b) + ㅏ(a) = 바 (ba)
바보 | fool, stupid |
바다 | ocean, sea |
바닷가 | beach, seashore, coast, seaside |
바이올린 | violin |
바람 | wind |
사 : ㅅ (s) + ㅏ(a) = 사 (sa)
사랑 | love |
사람 | person, people, human |
사과 | apple |
사진 | picture, photo |
사진기 | camera |
아: o (silent) + ㅏ(a) = 아 (a)
아가씨 | young lady |
아줌마 | middle-aged woman |
아저씨 | middle-aged man |
아버지 | father |
아리랑 | A-ri-rang Korean folk song |
자 : ㅈ (j) + ㅏ(a) = 자 (ja)
자연 | nature |
자연스럽게 | naturally |
자전거 | bicycle |
자동차 | car |
자유 | freedom |
차 : ㅊ (ch) + ㅏ(a) = 차 (cha)
차도 | road |
차고 | garage |
차남 | second son |
차별 | discrimination |
차이점 | difference |
카 : ㅋ (k) + ㅏ(a) = 카 (ka)
카지노 | casino |
카리스마 | charisma |
카사블랑카 | casa blanca |
카메라 | camera |
카레 | curry |
타 : ㅌ (t) + ㅏ(a) = 타 (ta)
타조 | ostrich |
타지마할 | the Taj Mahal |
타이틀 | title |
타협 | compromise |
타악기 | percussion |
파 : ㅍ (p) + ㅏ(a) = 파 (pa)
파랑 | blue |
파뿌리 | spring onion roots |
파도 | wave |
파리 | fly (insect) |
파수꾼 | guard, watch |
하: ㅎ (h) + ㅏ(a) = 하 (ha)
하늘 | sky |
하루 | a day |
하나님 | god |
하마 | hippo |
하얀색 | white color |
Some additional facts about Hangul:
Hangul is the only writing system in the world that was designed by a single person.
Hangul is a featural writing system, which means that the letters represent the features of the sounds they represent. For example, the consonant letter "ㄱ" represents the back of the tongue, while the vowel letter "ㅏ" represents a high front vowel.
Hangul is a very efficient writing system. It is possible to write all of the sounds of the Korean language with only 24 letters.
Hangul is a beautiful and expressive writing system. It is often used in calligraphy and other forms of art.
[Source from Bard]