The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun,and dried up all the rain.
So, the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.
Does this bring you your childhood memories? Well, for me, it brings my memories of my time in Korea when I was teaching English to young children. This spider song was one of my favorites as you can do it with some body movements and the kids just loved it. Just like anywhere else in the world, there are many children's songs in Korea. Today I brought three that might be suitable for anyone who's just starting to learn Korean.
Let's learn and sing : Korean Children's Songs
반짝반짝 작은 별
If you know the twinkle, twinkle, little star, this is the Korean version.
반짝반짝 ban jjak ban jjak twinkle twinkle
작은 jak eun little
별 byul star
아름답게 a ruem dap ge beautifully
비치네 bi chi ne shines
동쪽 dong jjok the east
하늘에서도 hanuel e seo do in the sky
서쪽 seo jjok the west
하늘에서도 anuel e seo do in the sky
반짝반짝 작은 별 아름답게 비치네 동쪽 하늘에서도 서쪽 하늘에서도 반짝반짝 작은 별 아름답게 비치네 | Twinkle, twinkle, little star. It's shining beautifully in the eastern and western skies Twinkle, twinkle, little star. It's shining beautifully |
학교 종이 땡땡땡
학교 종이 hak gyo jong i school bell
땡땡땡 ddaeng ddaeng ddaeng ding ding dong (sound of the bell)
어서 모이자 eo seo mo i ja let's all gather now
선생님이 seon seng nim i teacher
우리를 woo ri ruel for us
기다리신다 gi da ri shin da waiting
사이좋게 sa i jo ke friendly with each other
오늘도 o nuel do today again
공부 gong bu study
잘하자 jal ha ja do it well
학교 종이 땡땡땡
어서 모이자
선생님이 우리를
학교 종이 땡땡땡
어서 모이자
사이좋게 오늘도
공부 잘하자
| The school bell rings ding dong Let's all gather now The teacher is waiting for us The school bell rings ding dong Let's study well today |
산토끼 토끼야
산토끼 santoki a wild rabbit, jackrabbit
토끼야 toki- ya hey, rabbit
어디를 가느냐 eo di reul ga neu nya where are you going
깡총깡총 kkang chong kkang chong jumping jumping
뛰면서 ddui myun seo hoping
어디를 가느냐 eo di reul ga nue nya where are you going
산고개 san go ge mountain hills
고개를 go ge reul hills
나혼자 na hon ja me alone
넘어서 neom eo seo going over
토실토실 tosil tosil chubby
알밤을 al bam eul chestnut
주워올테야 ju wo ol te ya I will pick and bring
산토끼 토끼야 어디를 가느냐 깡총깡총 뛰면서 어디를 가느냐 산고개 고개를 나혼자 넘어서 토실토실 알밤을 주워올테야 | Hey, Jackrabbit where are you going?
Jumping and hoping where are you going?
I will go over the mountain hills
and pick up chubby chestnuts and bring them
How was it? I hope you had some fun learning and singing the Korean children's songs!
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