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[Studying Korean] Extraordinary Attorney Woo Actress Park Eun-bin's Award Speech

Writer's picture: Bright WisdomBright Wisdom

A while back, I wrote a blog post about empathy and made a reference to a speech given by Mina Sue Choi, as well as the award speech by the Extraordinary Attorney Woo Actress Park Eun-bin. Today, I came across the award clip on YouTube and listened to the entire award speech again. Since I occasionally volunteer to teach Korean on Hilokal, I thought this would be a good script to study Korean with. Her speech is clear and heartfelt.

This might be suitable for those who are at an intermediate level and above in Korean, but there is also a translation available if you simply want to go through the content. Even if you choose to use the translation, it will still be a valuable experience because it is such a great speech. In my opinion, I truly believe this speech was exceptional! I admired how she openly shared her concerns and worries about taking on this role as well as her heartfelt desire to inspire kindness in the hearts of the audience.

Actress Park Eun Bin
Extraordinary Attorney Woo Actress Park Eun Bin

Extraordinary Attorney Woo Actress Park Eun Bin's Award Speech

이상한 변호사 우영우 팀을 대표해서 제가 받는 것 같습니다. 정말 감사합니다.


attorney, lawyer

대표하다 (대표해서)

to represent (representing)

I'd like to believe that this award is a recognition of the effort of the entire crew of 'Extraordinary Attorney Woo'. Thank you very much.

한 해 동안 무수히 많은 작품들이 만들어지고 또 그속에서 항상 최선을 다해 헌신하시는 훌륭한 분들이 많으신데 저한 상을 주셔서 진심으로 감사드립니다.

무수히 많은

countless, a lot of


devote oneself to




sincerely, truly

So many TV shows are produced each year and each of those TV shows is brought to life by many people working hard toward the common goal. I do not deserve this award any more than those people. Once again thank you very much for the award.

아마 이상한 변호사 우영우를 사랑해주신 많은 분들 덕분에 제가 상을 받게 된 것 같은데요


thanks to

Thanks to all the fans who enjoyed 'Extraordinary Attorney Woo' I could win this prize.

우선 '우영우'를 시청해주신 모든 분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다.


to watch

First of all, I want to sincerely thank each and every one of you who watched 'Extraordinary Attorney Woo'.

모두의 기대 이상으로 정말 많은 사랑을 받았고 또 관심을 받았는데요

기대 이상으로

beyond expectation

관심을 받다

receive attention

The love and attention I got from the fans were more than I deserved

사실 여러분의 사랑이 없었다면 제가 이 자리에 있지 못할 것 같습니다.

To tell you the truth, I wouldn't be here had it not been for your support and love.

죄송해요 이런 순간이 올지 몰랐는데.

I am sorry I didn't think I'd be standing here.

어린 시절에 제가 배우라는 꿈을 포기하지 않는다면 언젠가 대상을 받는 어른이 되면 좋겠다고 생각했었는데 오늘 그 꿈을 이루게 해주셔서 정말 감사드립니다.

꿈을 포기하다

to give up one's dream

대상을 받다

to receive a grand prize

꿈을 이루다

to achieve one's dream

When I was young, I thought to myself that if I don't give up on my dream of becoming an actor, I might become a star who gets a grand prize like this, thanks for making my dream come true.

영우를 이해해 보려는 시도가 조금이나마 자폐 스펙트럼을 알게하는 좋은 경험이 되었기를 바라면서


to try


at least a little bit

자폐 스펙트럼

autism spectrum

좋은 경험

good experience

I did my best to portray the character, Young Woo, in my own way, I hope my effort was a kind of helpful experience to people in learning about the autism spectrum disorder.

여러분들이 좋은 말씀 많이 해주시고 또 많은 관심 가져주신 만큼 무언가 도움이 되었기를 바랬습니다.

All the compliments that I heard from you and as much attention as you have given me, I hoped to be of help. (in improving the public's perception of people with autistic spectrum) disorder.

사실 제가 세상이 달라지는데 한 몫을 하겠다는 그런 거창한 꿈은 없어지만

한 몫을 하다

to play a role



I didn't start out with a grand goal that I would change this world someday

이 작품을 하면서 적어도 이전보다 친절한 마음을 품게 할 수 있기를


at least

친절한 마음을 품다

to have a kind heart

But I sincerely hope that the work I did turned this world into a kinder place

또 전보다 각자 가지고 있는 고유한 특성들을 다름으로 인식하지 않고 다채로움으로 인식할 수 있기를 바라면서 연기를 했었는데요

고유한 특성

unique traits, characteristics


diverse, colorful


to recognize


to act

And I hope that my acting allowed people to view individual characteristics as diversity, not as differences

정말 그 발걸음에 한발 한발 같이 관심 가져주시고 행해주셔서 진심으로 감사합니다.


foot step


to take action

I want to thank you all for joining this cause, and for your care and love each step.

사실 제가 우영우를 마주하기로 마음 먹기까지 시간이 꽤 필요했어요.


to face

마음 먹다

to make up one's mind

To tell you the truth, it took a long time for me to accept this role

왜냐하면 제가 배우로서 우영우를 어떻게 표현하느냐에 따라서 또 어떤 사람으로 여러분께 다가서느냐에 따라서 누군가에게는 굉장히 큰 상처가 될 수도 있겠구나 하고 많이 두려웠습니다.


as an actor


to express, to portray


to approach



상처가 되다

scar, hurt


feel afraid, fearful

That was because I knew that depending on how I portray the character, depending on how I approach the character, there were real people in this world who might get hurt, so I was afraid of that.

그래서 자폐인에 대한 또 변호사에 대한 저를 스쳐가는 생각들이 혹시 저도 모르게 갖고 있는 편견으로 기인한 것은 아닐지 매순간 매시간 마다 검증하는 게 꼭 필요했었는데요


autistic people


pass by

편견으로 기인하다

be caused by prejudice


to check, confirm

So I needed to constantly check if my habitual portrayal of this character with autism might be based on my own prejudice against autistic people and lawyers.

처음으로 저 스스로 한계를 맞닥릴 때 있어서 그런 스스로의 좌절들을 딛고 마침내 끝낼 수 있어서 정말 다행인 작품이었습니다.

한계를 맞닥드리다

to face one's limit




a relief

I had to overcome a lot of internal hurdles in the process. But eventually, I managed to do the job without causing any trouble. It's a relief.

유인식 감독님 제가 너무나 갑작스러운 막연함에 너무나 두려워 겁낼 때 마다 그 두려움을 기꺼이 나눠주시고 밝게 등대처럼 길을 밝혀주셔서 정말 감사했습니다.


a director




vague, confused


like a lighthouse

Director Yoo In-sik, I want to thank you for sharing my burden and lighting the way whenever I was frustrated and confused about the role I was given.

그리고 문지원 작가님 마지막 방송을 같이 보고 서로를 보면서 눈물 흘렸던 순간들이 가끔 떠오르는데요 어떤 의미의 눈물이었는지 알것 같아서 굉장히 마음에 사무치는 순간이었어요

마지막 방송

final episode

눈물 흘리다

shed tears


​to float, uprise

마음에 사무치다

be deeply moved by

Writer Moon Ji-won, I still remember the moments when we cried after watching the final episode together, I believe we shed the tears for the same reason. It was a heartwarming moment.

우영우 세계를 창조해 주셔서 진심으로 감사했습니다.


to create

I sincerely thank you for creating this Woo's world.

그리고 영우가 발걸음을 걷는 그 길을 항상 든든하게 지지해주신 우리 모든 스텝 분들과 사랑하는 우리 동료 배우분들 그리고 매 회차에 에피소드마다 정말 많은 분들이 함께 해주셨거든요

발걸음을 걷다

to walk one's steps

든든하게 지지하다

to support confidently

동료 배우분들

fellow actors

매 회차에

each session

I also want to thank all the staff members and fellow actors who supported Young Woo on the show so that she could truly shine. There were numerous people who helped us create each episode.

모두의 노력이 함께 이루어지지 않았다면 오늘날의 영광도 없었을 것 같습니다





Without your efforts combined together, I would have never gotten this glorious award.

진심으로 감사드리구요

I sincerely want to thank all of you.

제가 이상한 변호사 우영우에서 가장 좋아하는 대사는 제 삶은 이상하고 별나지만 가치있고 아름답습니다 라는 대사였는데요 영우를 통해 이 이야기를 전할 수 있어서 정말 기뻤습니다.

이상하고 별나다

strange and weird



My favorite line from 'Extraordinary Attorney Woo' is "My life is eccentric and weird, but it's meaningful (valuable) and beautiful." I was so happy to be able to convey that message to the world through Young Woo.

나는 알아도 남들은 모르는 또 남들은 알지만 또 나는 알지 못하는 그런 이상하고 별난 구석들을 영우가 가치있고 아름답게 생각하라고 이야기해주는 것 같아서 많이 배웠습니다.

There are facets that I'm used to but other people are not so much familiar with, and there are aspects of life that other people are familiar with, although I am not used to. I learned a lot from Young Woo that these idiosyncrasies of life are all meaningful (valuable) and beautiful. That was the lesson I got.

어렵더라도 자신의 삶을 인정하고 수긍하고 또 포용하면서 힘차게 내딛었던 영우의 발걸음을 오래도록 간직하고 싶습니다.


to accept, acknowledge


to accept, to agree


to embrace


to cherish, to keep (as a treasure)

Young Woo knew her life was going to be difficult. But she embraced her life and embraced the lives of others, and she always took the next step with great energy. I will never forget her courage.

마지막으로 언제나 제가 다섯 살, 96년도 부터 일을 시작했는데요 그때부터 항상 아낌없는 지지로 지금의 저를 있게 해주신 엄마, 아빠, 오빠 그리고 너무 감사하고 사랑합니다. 남은 식구들도 너무 감사하고요


lastly, finally


since then

아낌없는 지지

unlimited support



Lastly, I want to thank my family. I started acting when I was five, in 1996. Since then, my mother, father, and brother have supported me endlessly, I love you, thank you. I also want to thank all the people at Namoo Actors.

또 우리 빙고들, 너무 전세계에 있는 모든 팬분들에게 감사 인사 올리고 싶습니다.

I also want to thank my dear fans, BINGO who have supported me from all around the globe

영우를 만나서 함께 했던 그 순간들을 영원히 아름답게 간직하도록 하겠습니다.

I will always cherish the moments that I lived as Young Woo

저에게 상을 주셔서 정말 다시 한번 감사드리고요

Thanks again for giving me this award

모두들 존경합니다. 다시 저는 새롭게 정진하도록 할께요. 행복하세요. 감사합니다.


to respect


to devote oneself to, move forward

I have much respect for all of you. I will strive to become a better actor. Stay happy. Thank you very much.


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